Unrealistic battery storage and max depth

About Forum Feature Request Unrealistic battery storage and max depth

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    • #1830

      Hi, I am requesting that realistic battery, max depth, and oxygen quantity are optional. My favorite part of the game is exploration and hiding.

      I’d love to be able to stay underwater and move around freely for a long time and over long distances, down deep.

      However, the game is awesome nonetheless. Thank you!

    • #1831

      Hi Stanman,
      thanks a lot for your post !

      This is a good idea and I added these 3 new options :
      Infinite O2, infinite battery and invulnerability !

      You can play with them enabled or disabled, as you prefer, and you can find them inside the “Options” screen.

      I just released the new V1.35 version of the game in the Google Play Store.
      Have fun !


    • #1839

      Hello, thank you so much for doing this

      Its been a lot of fun to play with this.

      Have a good one.

      Arts, crafts and sciences uplift the world of being and are conducive to its exaltation

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